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Announced: February 6 2017

No of jobs: 460
Job title: Retail
Jobs take effect: next twelve months

About Centra


Centra — the stores chains supplied by Musgrave — which will spend €20m this year as part of an investment to open 20 new stores, said it posted a 3% increase in sales to €1.59bn in 2016.

With 450 stores, Centra said its investment is partly driven by changing patterns of demand, adding that consumers were buying less carbonated drinks and were opting for much more salads, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries, as well as bottled water.

“In 2017 we will continue to invest heavily to maintain our position as the leader in healthy convenience, refurbishing over 100 stores, adding 20 new stores to the Centra network and creating 460 new jobs as a result,” said managing director Martin Kelleher.