NCU Training: Empowering Communities, Expanding Opportunities


NCU Training, a community-focused training company that helps people in unemployment and those with low-paid incomes develop the skills they need to succeed, are excited to announce a major expansion. Starting in April, they are launching their service nationally, bringing new opportunities to communities across Ireland. In this article they talk about these developments.

What is NCU Training?

NCU Training is a non-profit organisation with a simple mission: to provide affordable, accessible training that opens doors for those facing barriers to employment. We believe everyone deserves the chance to learn, grow, and build a better future.

Professional Homecare Support Skills Course (QQI Level 5) and Upcoming QQI Level 6 Progression

We're thrilled to announce our new Professional Homecare Course (Level 5) the first of its kind in Ireland, designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the growing homecare industry. This course offers a strong foundation for a rewarding career path, and we're even more excited to share that a Level 6 progression route will be available soon, allowing you to advance your skills and qualifications even further.

Your Feedback Shapes Our Courses

At NCU Training, we listen to you. Our courses are developed based on your needs and the demands of the job market. That's why we created our Professional Homecare programme—to give you the skills employers are actively seeking.

Increased Safe Pass Training: Affordable and Accessible

We understand how crucial a Safe Pass certification can be for finding work, especially in construction and related industries. That's why we're increasing the availability of our Safe Pass courses, giving priority to individuals in unemployment. Our goal is to make Safe Pass training one of the most affordable and accessible options in Ireland, removing barriers and helping you get back into the workforce.

Why Choose NCU Training?

● Community Focused: We're not about profit. We're about investing in people and helping our communities thrive.

● Affordable Courses: We keep our costs low to ensure training is accessible to everyone.

● Student-Centred Learning: We understand that everyone has different learning styles and needs. Our courses are designed to be engaging and supportive.

● Practical Skills: We focus on teaching you the skills you'll actually use on the job, making you a valuable asset to employers.

● Career Support: We don't just train you – we help you connect with potential job opportunities.

Get Ready for the April Launch!

Our national expansion is just around the corner. In April, we'll bring NCU Training's benefits to more people across Ireland. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for updates, new course offerings, and locations.

The Future is Bright with NCU Training

Whether you're looking to start a new career, upskill in your current field, or simply gain valuable knowledge, NCU Training is here for you. We're committed to helping you reach your full potential and achieve your employment goals.

Contact Us

To learn more about NCU Training, our upcoming courses, and how we can support your journey, please contact us directly at

We believe in you, and we can't wait to see what you'll achieve!