INOU General Branch - Marking 21 Years of Achievement and Involvement

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The INOU General Branch of Individual Members was established in 1999. INOU Individual Membership – membership for unemployed people and others on training and education programmes – had been introduced three years earlier.

Individual members who attended these meetings advocated for having the same opportunities as other INOU branches of unemployed people based in towns, cities and counties – including standing for election to the NEC, submitting motions to Annual Delegate Conferences and to vote at Conferences. In 1999, the INOU National Executive Committee (NEC) – the Board of Management - proposed a motion which was passed and the INOU General Branch was formed.

Today, the General Branch occupies a unique position within the organisation. The General Branch selects a General Branch member to join the INOU NEC and is the only organisation which can have more than one member elected onto the NEC. In addition to the selected position, the General Branch can propose a General Branch member for election to the NEC.

The General Branch, through a range of motions over the past twenty-one years, have consistently called for: significant increases in jobseekers and other social welfare payments; increased quality provision in accessing training and education opportunities; improvements to the range of services that support unemployed people and increased funding to protect the important work of local community-based organisations providing much needed supports for unemployed people.

INOU General Branch members have been very well represented from the first General Branch representative Richard O’Leary through to the most recent NEC member, Philip Fitzsimons. In most years since the General Branch was established, a General Branch member has occupied an Officer Board position on the NEC, including Seamus Orr, Michael McNamara and Philip. The General Branch is also represented on the INOU Standing Orders Committee and is always very well represented at INOU Annual Delegate Conferences.

The participation, involvement and contribution of all General Branch members since 1999 has been greatly appreciated. The Branch has made, and continues to make an important contribution in the struggle for a full employment society that offers decent income supports and work, training and education opportunities for its citizens.