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Grant Thornton

Announced: July 6 2012

No of jobs: 50
Job title:
Jobs take effect:

About Grant Thornton


Grant Thornton Ireland comprises over 400 partners and staff operating from offices in Dublin, Galway, Kildare and Limerick. Grant Thornton Ireland has an international business centre (IBC) that provides a gateway to the resources of the Grant Thornton global organisation. The IBC is led by an expert in international business familiar with the wealth of experience held by member firm partners around the world. The IBC coordinates this expertise to service our clients with an international footprint.

For further information about Grant Thornton visit:


Media Link

Grant Thornton to create 50 jobs across Ireland



Dublin - 24-26 City Quay, Dublin 2
Telephone:(0)1 6805 805 Fax:(0)1 6805 806 Email:

Limerick - Mill House, Henry Street, Limerick
Telephone:(0)61 312 744 Fax:(0)61 317 691/418 038 Email:

Kildare - Suites 3 & 4, Courtyard House, Newbridge, Co Kildare
Telephone:(0)45 449 322 Fax:(0)45 449 324 Email:

Galway - Mayoralty House, Flood Street, Galway
Telephone:(0)91 533 924 Fax:(0)91 562 943 Email: